"Self-build" refers to projects where individuals or groups directly organise the design and construction of new homes. Custom housebuilding involves individuals or groups working with a specialist developer to deliver new homes that meet their specific aspirations and needs.
The government believes that these types of development can play an important role in delivering high-quality housing that meets the needs of all sections of the community. This is a central goal of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The Council is seeking to provide sites for self-build and custom-build housing through its emerging Site Allocations Plan.
The assessment set out in this Position Statement has been produced by the Council to inform the consideration and determination of planning applications for schemes comprising self and custom build dwellings. It is based on known data on the demand for and the supply of such plots in Stratford-on-Avon District as at 30 October 2024.
The Government have implemented amendments to the Self & Custom Build Legislation and Regulations as part of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act (2023) . These amendments prompted a review of the monitoring of the Self and Custom Build Supply in Stratford-on-Avon. The amended approach is detailed within the Position Statement below.
The Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding (Register) Regulations 2016 oblige all district councils in England to keep a register of individuals (and associations of individuals) who are seeking to acquire serviced plots of land in their area. A plot is deemed 'serviced' if it has access to a public highway and connections for electricity, water and waste water.
The Council periodically publishes an anonymised version of the register. The latest version can be viewed below.
1. You are eligible to sign up to the register as an individual if you meet the three criteria below:
a. aged 18 or over;
b. a British citizen, a national of an EEA State other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland; and
c. seeking (either alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land in Stratford-on-Avon District to build a house that you will occupy as your sole or main residence.
2. An association or group can sign up to the register if each member meets the three eligibility requirements laid out above.
To sign up to the register please complete the self build registration form below.
Please find the links below for the forms, but note that an electronic payment is required to complete the application process. The fee to apply to enter the register is currently £95.00 per application. If you wish to remain on the register beyond 31st March of any given year, then there will be a further fee of £25.00. The Council approved a charging structure in relation to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register on 2 October 2023 (as set out in the the Cabinet Report and Cabinet Resolution).
For associations the fee will be applied to each individual entry on the application or to put in another way, the fee will directly apply to the number of plots required by the association.
You can apply to join the self build register via the link below
If you wish to apply as an association please apply using the link below
Self-Build Association Registration
The Council will contact you when it is time to renew your registration. To renew your registration as an individual household you can use the link below
The fastest way to register or renew your registration is by using the online links above, but should you wish to submit a paper application by post please use the forms below. Application forms should be accompanied by payment either via cheque in the post to Planning Policy Team, Stratford-on-Avon District Council Elizabeth House Church Street Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6HX or at the Council's reception at the same address.
Cheque by Post - Cheques should be made payable to Stratford-on-Avon District Council. Please mark your cheque with your name and address. For renewals, please also include your Custom Self Build Register Reference Number found at the top of the correspondence from the Council.
Cheque, Card, or Cash payments can be made at reception Stratford-on-Avon District Council Elizabeth House Church Street Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6HX
Payment can be made over the phone by calling 01789 260979
Can I amend my details on the register?
Amendments can be made to the register. We will consider the proposed changes to ensure that the entry on the register would still be compliant with the requirements. If not, the entry will be removed from the register.
Who will the council correspond with?
All correspondence will be with the person named on the form. In the case of associations all correspondence will be with the lead contact identified on the application form.
Can entries be removed from the register?
Individuals and the lead contact for associations can, in writing, ask for their entry to be removed from the register. We have to do so within 28 days. We can remove any entry from their register if we consider that the individual or in the case of an association any member, is no longer eligible. Registrations may be removed from the register if any renewal fee due is not paid following reminders.
Local authorities are required to give planning permission to enough suitable serviced plots to meet the demand for self-building and custom housebuilding in their area (see the "What is the register?" section above for the definition of a "serviced plot").
There are various ways in which the district council can offer opportunities for self-build housing schemes. It can also grant planning permission for schemes that come forward through planning applications, subject to sites being in appropriate locations and suitable for development. Plots are expected to be provided on both new settlements to be developed in the district, at Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath and Long Marston Airfield.
In addition, the preparation of the Site Allocations Plan provides an opportunity for landowners who wish to promote self-build schemes to advise the district council of sites that are available. Consideration will then be given to whether a site is appropriate to be identified in the Plan for this purpose. If you wish to submit a site to be considered as an allocation specifically for a self-build development please complete our self-build and custom housebuilding call for sites form.
In addition to all other requirements, applications for Self-Build schemes must be accompanied by a ‘Design Code' (Plot Passport) or similar which sets out design principles for the site and be clear how all matters outside the individual plots (see Local List) will be delivered. Our self-build housing guidance provides a list of matters that should be considered in order to achieve good design.
You can find more information and advice on self/custom build homes at the following National Custom & Self Build Association (NaCSBA) websites:
This page can be accessed quickly using the short link via www.stratford.gov.uk/selfbuild
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