CCTV and Body Worn Video (BWV) cameras Privacy Notice

Whose personal data do we process?

Our CCTV scheme processes the personal data of members of the public generally in the spaces where CCTV cameras are installed. Signs are displayed in these areas to notify individuals of the presence of the CCTV scheme.

Our BWV cameras process data of members of the public generally and particularly the people who come into contact with our officers.

There are limited occasions where cameras are used without signage being put in place, on these occasions the council's corporate RIPA procedure is followed.

What categories of personal data do we process?

Our CCTV scheme records images. Our BWV cameras record images and audio. We process this information for law enforcement purposes, on the basis of the tasks that we carry out in the public interest and in the exercise of our official authority.

What categories of special personal data do we process?

We process data relating to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life or sexual orientation, and criminal offences and convictions to the extent that this data is visible in the images recorded by our CCTV and BWV cameras. We process this data in the substantial public interest.

How do we obtain this personal data?

The council's CCTV scheme comprises of cameras located in specific external and internal locations within the district. The council publishes the locations of its CCTV cameras.

BWV cameras are used by the council's licensing officers and civil parking enforcement officers.

What do we do with this personal data?

The footage processed by the CCTV scheme is used to develop a safe and secure environment for the benefit of those employed, visiting or using the facilities provided within the areas covered by the CCTV scheme.

The BWV footage is used to promote the safety of the council's officers, to reduce the potential number of confrontational situations experienced by officers, to reduce the potential escalation of incidents and to augment the opportunities for evidence capture.

The council is committed to compliance with the Information Commissioner's Office's data protection code of practice for surveillance cameras and personal data, the Home Office's surveillance camera code of practice, and the council's own CCTV code of practice.

How do we share this personal data?

CCTV and BWV footage may be shared with data subjects, law enforcement agencies, prosecution agencies and legal representatives.


Version Date Changes Made Approved by Next Review Date
1.1 03/12/2024 Governance & Community Safety Manager 03/12/2025

Contact: The Data Protection team

Last updated on 19/12/2024