Planning Advice Note: Public Houses

This Planning Advice Note has been produced to provide developers and the community with clarification on how Stratford-on-Avon District Council will assess development proposals involving the loss of public houses (pubs). It was approved for publication in June 2024.

It should be read alongside the policies of the Stratford-on-Avon District Core Strategy (2016) in particular Policy CS.22 (Economic Development) and Policy CS.25 (Healthy Communities).

Status of older guidance documents

The below documents pre-date the adoption of our Core Strategy in July 2016. The documents may therefore make reference to our previous development plan, the Local Plan Review of 2006. They will continue to be taken into account until they are superseded by newer documents.

Stratford-on-Avon District Design Guide

We adopted comprehensive design guidance for developers in September 2000, focused on maintaining the distinctive, local qualities of the district.

This was accompanied by a Character Map of the district and a guide to Character and Design.

You should also refer to the guidance on design and character contained in various parts of our Development Requirements SPD.

Urban Design Framework for Stratford-upon-Avon

The District Council worked with Warwickshire County Council and other key stakeholders such as the Stratford Town Management Partnership and Advantage West Midlands to produce a comprehensive 'Urban Design Framework' for Stratford-upon-Avon town in July 2007. The document provides an overall framework for development and improvement of the town in terms of the built environment, public realm and transport. It suggests key changes that are needed to help the town achieve our aspirations for it to be a world class destination consistent with the town's international reputation.

Stratford-upon-Avon High Street Study

The Stratford-upon-Avon High Street Study is a material consideration to inform planning applications affecting Stratford's High Street. We also expect that the principles in the document will be applied to Stratford-upon-Avon town centre as a whole. It sets out a framework of works to enhance the 'public realm'. The High Street Study was adopted in November 2009.

Stratford-upon-Avon - Design in Residential Areas

We undertook a study of several residential areas in Stratford-upon-Avon to identify the significant features and characteristics of the built environment. It includes minor alterations to the Stratford-upon-Avon conservation area boundary.

  1. Introduction - Examination of Residential Character
  2. Policy considerations and management suggestions
  3. Alcester Road - character study
  4. Avenue Road - character study
  5. Banbury Road - character study
  6. Clopton Road - character study
  7. Evesham Road (inc Shottery) - character study
  8. Loxley Road - character study
  9. Shipston Road - character study
  10. Tiddington Road - character study

Appendix 1 - Report to the Executive of the District Council

General principles and area-specific design guidance were adopted in July 2005.

Extending Your Home

This planning advice note provides guidance for people who want to extend a residential property. It was adopted in April 2008.

Car and Cycle Parking Standards

This document sets out detailed parking standards for all forms of development across the district. It was adopted in April 2007.

These Car Parking Standards are out of date and are no longer applicable. New standards are set out in Part O of our Development Requirements SPD.

Provision of Open Space

In February 2005 we adopted guidelines for assessing the open space requirement on development sites in Stratford-upon-Avon and the Main Rural Centres. A methodology was also provided for calculating the level of financial contribution towards off-site provision in cases where provision is not made on site.

You should also refer to the guidance contained in Part L of our Development Requirements SPD.

Planning for Farm Diversification

In July 2005 we approved an informal guidance note advising farmers on how to bring forward schemes to diversify their activities and highlighting issues that need to be addressed in the consideration of planning applications.

Lorries in the Vale of Evesham

In November 2001, Stratford District Council, Cotswold District Council and Wychavon District Council adopted guidance to control the location of new development and the expansion of existing businesses that would generate additional HGV movements in the Vale of Evesham. This is a material consideration in assessing development proposals in the area shown on this plan.

Find Out More

Contact: The Planning Policy team

Last updated on 23/07/2024