Land Charges

Land Charge Service

From 1st April 2023, requests for CIL information will no longer be dealt with under the Environmental Information Regulations. This information will have to be requested by completing a CON29 form and emailing it to

When sending the request, please include the property address and a site location plan with the boundary outlined in red.

The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) advise that when a request is received to complete and guarantee the content of a CON29 form, this should be charged under the CPSR charging regime. The official CIL responses are used to certify and insure against any errors, this is the Council providing a service beyond disclosing the information we hold and we are entitled to charge for the information in accordance with the CPSR regime.

Please note the District Council's Local Land Charges register data (LLC1) can now only be obtained from HM Land Registry by accessing the service at any time through their search for local land charges service or business customers can access it through their portal account or business gateway.

For clarification purposes, the CON29 will remain with the District Council and all requests should therefore be forwarded to the Local Land Charges Team at except Building Control and/or CIL only requests which should be forwarded to the Local Land Charges Team at

The CON29 includes details of planning matters, environmental and enforcement notices and in addition provides information supplied by the County Council on road status, road agreements, road and traffic schemes, rights of way, open access land compulsory purchase and outstanding statutory notices. Further information on District and County Council data can also be supplied through the search process by way of the CON29O (please see the fee structure below for relevant fees).

Please note the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government has now published guidance for the general public on how to buy a home and how to sell a home. This guidance has been developed following meetings with stakeholders including the Local Land Charges Institute.

As for the current turnaround time for CON29 searches and Building Control/CIL questions, this is approximately 15 working days.

With regard to any additional information requirements associated with the results from a CON29 search, please visit the Council's website at . If your request relates to a highway matter please refer to

Building Control Application Search

Building Control Update – As of Friday 5th February 2021 Building Control have now provided a search engine for Building Control applications dating back to 2000. This search allows the customer to find any Building Regulation application submission and, where appropriate, decision dates, decision types and completion dates.

You can find the building control application search here

In addition to this information we also provide details of competent persons scheme (CPS) installations carried out on individual properties when submitted to us by the relevant organisations. Please note that CPS information is provided to us by a third party and if there are any issues with information that is or is not revealed please refer back to the relevant organisations. Competent Persons Register

Requests for Environmental Information held by the Council

All environmental information held on a public register or on a list kept by the council (or the register at HMLR if not an official request) must be provided free of charge under the EIR. The same applies to the examination of environmental information where the council makes a place available for that purpose.

If the register or list is published on the council's website you will be able to access it using a public terminal or, where your request is sent by email, the council will send you a link so that you can view the register or list from your own computer. If the council is unable to provide examination facilities for whatever reason, the information will be provided by some other method.

If you would like to make a request for information, please email the Council's Information Governance team at for further details.

Land Charges Fees

For details of the basis for calculation of the Land Charges search fees please view:

CON29 Forms

CON29 Application Form

CON29O Application Form


For further information please contact the Land Charges team:

  • Email:

Please also refer to the Land Registry website for more information.

Contact: The Planning Admin team

Last updated on 15/07/2024