Planning Application Forms

This page provides quick links to the following planning forms:

Further information can be found on our Apply for Planning Permission page.

Section 106 Applications

Fees for applications in relation to Planning Obligations

In order that we remain appropriately resourced to deliver timely responses on applications relating
to Planning Obligations, fees in relation to this work were introduced in April 2022.

Please see the Fees & Charges page for the latest fees.

Please note that these fees are separate from the fees charged by Legal Services.

N.B. A single submission that relates to the same legal agreement can cover more than one clause
or obligation within that legal agreement and will only require one fee

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Eligible developments that receive planning permission from 1 February 2018 are charged the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in accordance with the rates set out in the charging schedule. The amount payable is calculated when planning permission is granted. Even though your proposal may not be liable to the levy, a form is likely to need to be completed.

Further information and forms can be found on the Planning Portal.

Application for Approval of Details Reserved by Conditions (Discharge of Conditions)

A planning permission lists any conditions we have had to apply to make the proposal acceptable. Some conditions ask for more details on an aspect of the proposal, while others specify the use of the development. Applicants can reduce the number of conditions by providing comprehensive information with their application.

A fee is payable per written request to discharge conditions and not per condition. The fee chargeable by the authority is £145 per request (or £43 where the condition relates to planning permission for extending or altering a dwelling house or other associated residential use in the curtilage of a dwelling house). The fee must be paid when the request is made, and cannot be received retrospectively. It does not matter when the permission was granted. The letter or form must clearly identify the relevant permission (planning application number) and the condition(s) concerned.

Requests to discharge planning conditions that are received without the appropriate fee will be returned unanswered. No fee is required for the discharge of conditions attached to applications for Listed Building Consent, Conservation Area Consent or Advertisement Consent. The Government requires authorities to deal with all requests within eight weeks, and fees are refundable if no response is sent within 12 weeks of the date of receipt. There is no 'free go' if the council decides that information submitted is not sufficient for a discharge of a condition or if a further request for written confirmation is submitted.

Application for Approval of Details Reserved by Condition form

Document - 1028%20Pre%20Application%20Listed%20Building%20Advice%20JUL18.pdf

Document - 0968%20Pre%20Application%20Non%20Householder%20JUL18.pdf

Document - Pre%20Application%20Advice%20charges%202019%202%20.pdf

Document - 1617%20Pre%20Application%20Tree%20Advice%20JUL18.pdf

Construction Management Plan template for Development Sites

Where a planning permission has been granted with a condition requiring a Construction Management Plan (CMP) to be submitted, the link below provides a model template for the matters to be addressed within a CMP. You are strongly advised to use this template when submitting a Construction Management Plan for consideration under a Discharge of Condition application.

Download construction management plan template

Contact: The Planning Admin team

Last updated on 12/08/2024