Infrastructure Funding Statement

The Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019) came into force on 1 September 2019. Under these regulations, Infrastructure Funding Statements (IFS) will replace CIL Regulation 123 Lists as the mechanism through which projects are identified for CIL funding.

The IFS will be published annually, and provide a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions relating to S106s and CIL within the District. It will include a statement of infrastructure projects that Stratford-on-Avon District Council intends to, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL. It will also set out the CIL spending protocol setting out the process that the Council will undertake for allocating CIL receipts.

Infrastructure Development Plan

The Council's Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) was used to inform the preparation of the CIL Charging Schedule which was implemented in February 2018.

Community Infrastructure Levy

The Council applies a charge on new development to help pay for infrastructure. This charge varies depending on the type and location of development. Find out more about the Community Infrastructure Levy.

The IFS lists the infrastructure projects that the Council may wish to spend CIL monies on. Find out more about the CIL Spending.

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Contact: The Planning Policy team

Last updated on 14/01/2025