Council Meeting Webcasts

Stratford-on-Avon District Council records certain council meetings and publishes the YouTube recordings on its website the day after the meeting. You can view meetings of full Council, The Cabinet, Planning Committee by clicking on relevant video below.

Recent Videos

Licensing Panel 24 July 2024

No description available

The Cabinet 22 July 2024

No description available

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 19 July 2024

No description available

Planning Committee 17 July 2024

No description available

Audit and Standards Committee 8 July 2024

No description available

Council 8 July 2024

No description available

The Cabinet 1 July 2024

No description available

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 28 June 2024

No description available

Employment Committee 25 June 2024

No description available

Planning Committee 19 June 2024

No description available

Older Videos

Planning Committee 05 June 2024
View on Youtube

The Cabinet 03 June 2024
View on Youtube

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 31 May 2024
View on Youtube

Planning Committee 22 May 2024
View on Youtube

Annual Council 15 May 2024
View on Youtube

Licensing Panel 8 May 2024
View on Youtube

Planning Committee 24 April 2024
View on Youtube

Climate Change Panel 23 April 2024
View on Youtube

Council 22 April 2024
View on Youtube

The Cabinet 15 April 2024
View on Youtube

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 12 April 2024
View on Youtube

Employment Committee 26 March 2024
View on Youtube

Audit and Standards Committee 25 March 2024
View on Youtube

Planning Committee 20 March 2024
View on Youtube

Regulatory Committee 07 March 2024
View on Youtube

Climate Change Panel 05 March 2024
View on Youtube

The Cabinet 04 March 2024
View on Youtube

Overview and Scrutiny 01 March 2024
View on Youtube

Licensing Panel 28 February 2024
View on Youtube

Council 26 February 2024
View on Youtube

Planning Committee 21 February 2024
View on Youtube

Housing Investment Panel 14 February 2024
View on Youtube The agenda for this meeting will be published five working days before the meeting: Agenda and Minutes

The Cabinet 12 February 2024
View on Youtube

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 9 February 2024
View on Youtube

Planning Committee 7 February 2024
View on Youtube

You can view older videos on our Youtube channel

Contact: The Democratic Services team

Last updated on 23/10/2020