In addition to information provided by infrastructure providers, the content of the Site Allocations Plan is based on the findings of various technical studies that have assessed the impact of development on a range of sites and locations.

Much of this technical work underpinned the previous Preferred Options version of the Plan. Updates to the technical work have resulted in some of the previously identified sites not being included within this version of the Plan.

Sustainability Appraisal

The Council published an additional note in November 2020 setting out an amendment to the SA Main Report in relation to Table 6.4 in order to correct typographical errors and an inconsistency in presentation.

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2021

Coventry and Warwickshire Sub-Regional Employment Market Signals Study

Stratford Affordable Workspace Study

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

* We can supply an electronic map for any reference (A1 through to J7) listed on the above Grid. As there are a number of these maps and they are of large file size we will supply these by request via email - contact stating the relevant Index Grid reference(s) which you require.

Heritage Impact Assessments

Assessment of School Capacity

Capacity of Wastewater Treatment Works

Highway Assessments

Primary Health Care

Find Out More

Contact: The Planning Policy team

Last updated on 15/06/2022