Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment

The Licensing Authority

Where an individual or organisation intends to carry on a licensable activity, such as selling alcohol, providing regulated entertainment or supplying late night refreshment, they will need to satisfy the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003.

The Licensing Act 2003 deals with alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment licensing. Stratford-on-Avon District Council is designated as the Licensing Authority for the purpose of regulating these activities within the District of Stratford-on-Avon.

The Responsible Authorities

Responsible authorities are designated by Sections 13 and 69 of the Licensing Act 2003. The responsible authorities must be notified of, and served with a copy of, all new, variation and review applications. This allows the expertise of the responsible authorities to be called upon in scrutinising applications for their impact on the licensing objectives.

Licensing Objectives

There is a statutory duty for the Licensing Authority to carry out its functions with a view to promotion of the four licensing objectives created by the Licensing Act 2003. Each objective is of equal importance and are the only matters that may be considered. The four licensing objectives are:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm

The licensing objectives are not statutorily defined, and so retain their common law meanings.

Licensable Activities

For the purposes of the Licensing Act 2003, the following are licensable activities. Click on the activity to find out more about the definition and exemptions that may apply.

Authorisations or Permissions

There are four different types of authorisation or permission provided for by the Licensing Act 2003. Click on the name of the authorisation to find out more about it and either make a new application or apply to amend an existing authorisation.

  • Premises Licence - authorises the use of a premises for licensable activities
  • Club Premises Certificate - to allow a qualifying club to engage in qualifying club activities as set out in Section 1 of the Licensing Act 2003
  • Temporary Events Notice - for the carrying out of licensable activities at a temporary event
  • Personal Licence - to sell or authorise the sale of alcohol from premises in respect of which there is a premises licence. This permission only allows this where a premises licence or TEN are also in place

You can also:

Reviews of Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates

Sometimes problems associated with the licensing objectives occur at premises that have either been granted a premises licence or club premises certificate. The review process is for the protection of the community affected by such problems.

At any time since the grant of a premises licence or club premises certificate, a responsible authority or any other person may apply to review a premises licence or club premises certificate because of a matter arising in connection with any of the four licensing objectives.

Statement of Licensing Policy

Section 5 of the 2003 Act requires a licensing authority to prepare and publish a statement of its licensing policy at least every five years. The Policy for Stratford on Avon is due for renewal January 2021.

Government Guidance

The website has a large section of guidance on alcohol licensing.

Contact: The Licensing team

Last updated on 30/11/2020