Abandoned vehicles are unsightly. They can also be a nuisance and damage the environment.

It's important to report abandoned vehicles as they can be dangerous and may have been used in a crime. It's not always easy to tell if a vehicle is abandoned. Make sure you do not enter or touch the vehicle. If it has been involved in a crime, the vehicle will need to be investigated by the police. It may also contain hazardous waste and could be a fire risk.

Has the Vehicle been Abandoned?

There are a number of things you can check to establish whether the vehicle may have been abandoned:

  • Condition of the vehicle: if it is burnt out please, report to the police on 101.
  • Has the vehicle been stationary for more than four weeks?
  • Does the vehicle have a flat tyre?
  • Is there litter or are there lots of leaves around the vehicle?
  • Is the windscreen or are any windows broken?
  • Are the number plates missing?
  • Does the vehicle contain rubbish?
  • Have any parts (like the bumper, seats or radio) been removed?
  • Is there any graffiti on the vehicle?
  • Are there wires hanging from the dashboard?
  • Is the vehicle unlocked or are its windows open?

Tax discs are no longer displayed on the windscreen of a vehicle, but before reporting a vehicle, you can check its tax status online.

If possible, you should check with your neighbours or local businesses to see if anyone knows anything about the ownership of the vehicle.

Untaxed Vehicles

If a vehicle is untaxed and parked on the public highway, Stratford-on-Avon District Council has devolved powers from the DVLA to remove these vehicles. This is also the same for vehicles declared as off-road with a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) if they are on public land.


Contact: The Streetscene team

Last updated on 17/03/2022