Struggling to get a foot on the housing ladder? Shared ownership may be the answer.
A household earning £80,000 a year or less may be able to buy a share of a property (typically 25% to 75%) and pay rent to a housing association on the remaining share. When it can afford to do so, a household can buy a bigger share of a property.
At any one time there are usually a number of shared ownership properties available through housing associations. Most will be new build properties but some will be existing properties for resale.
To find out more about what shared ownership properties are available in the District and whether you are able to purchase a property, visit the Government's ‘Own Your Home' website, or follow the housing association links below.
If you have long term disabilities, you may be able to buy a shared ownership home via the Home Ownership for People with Long-Term Disabilities (HOLD) scheme.
For more information visit:
For further information: please contact Renata Mosz on 01789 260842 or, or email the Housing Policy & Development team at
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