Safety Advisory Group (SAG)

Stratford-on-Avon District Council holds monthly Safety Advisory Group (SAG) meetings for event organisers to help their event to run as safely as possible. The SAG group consists of agencies including Environmental Health, Licensing, Police, Ambulance Service, Fire Service, Child Protection, Highways, Streetscene, and Emergency Planning. The members will review the organiser's Event Management Plan (EMP) and offer constructive advice.

The main objectives of a SAG meeting are:

  • To provide advice and guidance to event organisers to ensure high standards of health and safety.
  • To ensure events do not cause adverse impact on the community.
  • Encourage good communication between relevant agencies to ensure the any issues are dealt with quickly and efficiently.

How to prepare for a SAG meeting

The idea of attending a SAG meeting can be daunting however the purpose of the meeting is for the members to support and advise you with your event planning. Please note that SAG meetings must be held at least three months prior to the event taking place. Below is some advice to help you prepare and get the most out of the meeting.

  • You will need to send in your EMP a minimum of one week prior to the meeting; this will give the members time to read through in order for them to offer advice.
  • You are welcome to invite any colleagues who involved in the organising of your event to help answer any queries during the meeting and take on board the guidance provided.
  • We encourage you to maintain good communication with relevant agencies and keep them up to date with any changes to the event plans.
  • You remain responsible for the safety of those at the event, both employees and members of the public.

Small Scale Event Guidance

A small-scale event is generally classified as an event with fewer than 1,000 people, this can be an event that is open to the public or private. Our Small Scale Event Guide can be used to assist organisers of small-scale events. As an event organiser it is your duty to plan, manage and monitor your event to ensure both workers and visitors are complying with the legislation covered in this guide.

Please note that every event is different, however there are common factors to all events, and we advise the information in this guide to be applied where applicable to your event. The information in this guide is intended for the use of small-scale events, organisers of large events should seek advice from other sources and consult the environmental health and licensing team.

Please see our Small Scale Event Guide for further information.

Further advice and guidance

To find out more about the events in our district, please see our Events Calendar.

If you are an event organiser and would like to have your event added to this calendar please contact us using

For further guidance event safety and producing your event management plan please visit the following links

If you are planning to hold an event within Stratford-on-Avon District please contact us using to enquire if a SAG meeting is advisable.

Contact: The Environmental Health team

Last updated on 19/06/2023