Annual Canvass 2023
Every year Stratford-on-Avon District Council Electoral Services are legally required to check the details that we hold for your household for the purpose of publishing an accurate Register of Electors. You need to be on the Register of Electors in order to vote in elections.
Every household will be contacted either by letter, email or will receive a telephone call, asking residents to check the information we currently hold is correct, even if you have recently registered to vote, your house is empty or you have just moved.
All residents who have previously provided the Council with their email address (for electoral registration purposes), will initially receive an email from This email is not spam and requires a response. Other people in your household may also receive this email. Only one person in your household needs to respond as the security codes can only be used once. If you do not respond to the email, a paper form will be posted to you (however, we prefer not to do this due to the cost involved).
If we do not hold an email address for anyone in the household or if we are not sure the information we have about your household is correct, you will receive the request through the post.
What do I need to do?
The communication you receive will tell you whether or not you need to respond.
You must reply in all circumstances where there are changes to be made to the information shown.
If changes are required, the quickest and easiest way to do this is online by following the instructions in the communication you receive. You will need the security codes that are printed on the communication.
If you do not complete the information promptly, we may send out reminders. If you still do not respond to our reminders, we may then telephone you or carry out a personal visit.
The information you provide about the residents of your household is the first step in the voter registration process. Residents who are not registered to vote can do so at register to vote or we will send a registration form for them to complete.
How can I respond?
Whether you have received the email or a communication through the post, the quickest and easiest way to respond is:
• Go to
o Enter your unique security codes from your communication and your postcode
o Check that the information for your property is correct
o Confirm your details, or make any changes, and press 'Confirm'
You can also respond by:
Post: Amend the form or use a separate piece of paper and return in your own envelope if one is not provided to the address below.
Phone: Only if the details shown are correct then you can call 0800 197 9871 and when prompted enter your security codes.
SMS: Only if the details shown are correct then text NOCHANGE followed by your security codes to 80212 (standard charges apply).
I don't have access to the internet?
If you cannot go online, you can visit Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HX, or call 01789 260208.
Do I list everyone who lives at the property?
You need to include the name and nationality of everyone aged 16 or over who is resident and eligible to register to vote. If there are no eligible residents, you should state why this is the case. Who is eligible to vote?
My son/daughter is living away at university, should I register them here or at their term time address?
Your son/daughter can register at their home address as well as their university address but must not vote more than once in the same election. This means they can vote in local elections at both addresses as long as they are in different local government areas. They cannot vote at both addresses in a parliamentary election.
Further information can be found at:
Electoral Commission
Or Email us at
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