Index of Multiple Deprivation for England:
The latest Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) for England was released on 26 September 2019, updating the last previous IMD of 2015.
The IMD measures levels of relative deprivation across 32,844 small areas or neighbourhoods in England, known as Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs). These small areas are designed to be of a similar population size with approximately 1,500 residents/650 households each.
Each of the 32,844 small areas in England are ranked, with the most deprived given a rank of 1, the least deprived given a rank of 32,844.
As the IMD measures relative deprivation, not actual deprivation, a change in rank from one year to the next can only show that an area has become more or less deprived in relation to other areas, not necessarily in absolute terms.
The IMD is constructed from multiple sources of data relating to seven separate 'domains': Income, employment, health/disability, education/skills/training, housing, crime and living environment. These are calculated separately, and the overall index is a weighted sum of all seven domains.
Please read The Index of Multiple Deprivation for England: Stratford-on-Avon District Results Report to see how the LSOA small areas in Stratford-on-Avon District fared across the indices and what this means for the District.
19th December 2019
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