The Preferred Options Consultation is the third stage in the process for preparing the new South Warwickshire Local Plan. The Preferred Options Consultation and accompanying targeted Call for Sites will run from 10 January to 7 March 2025. Please note comments made after the closing date will not be considered.
Please visit the South Warwickshire Local Plan website for further information on how to view the Preferred Options document and have your say during the Consultation period.
The Issues and Options Consultation and accompanying Call for Sites ran from 9 January to 6 March 2023. Comments made after this date will not be considered.
Consultation responses are currently being processed, and will be published in due course.
The consultation document contains a number of issues that the South Warwickshire Local Plan seeks to address. These issues have been identified using the responses to the 2021 Scoping and Call for Sites consultation and ongoing conversations with key stakeholders. The technical evidence has also been used to help inform the issues and the consultation document. In response to the issues identified, officers have formed various ‘options' to overcome these, and respondents were asked which options they thought were most appropriate.
The consultation document can be viewed on the South Warwickshire Local Plan website.
Stratford-on-Avon District Council and Warwick District Council are working together to prepare a new Local Plan for South Warwickshire. The Plan is expected to replace the strategic policies of the existing Stratford-on-Avon Core Strategy and Warwick Local Plan which both run to 2031. The South Warwickshire Local Plan will set out a long-term spatial strategy for housing, jobs, infrastructure and climate change for both Districts.
Both Councils are continuing to work on their other plans and policy documents. More information on these plans can be found on Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Council websites, respectively.
A designated website for the South Warwickshire Local Plan has been created. This website contains all you need to know about the new South Warwickshire Local Plan, please head over and take a look!
If you would like to discuss the emerging South Warwickshire Local Plan please contact either of the Council's Planning Policy Teams:
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