Stratford-on-Avon District Council can use its permissive powers to deal with identified problems, generally in relation to failure by owners to carry out works or maintenance on ordinary watercourses (not main rivers) in order to maintain water flow and minimise the risk of flooding.
Land and property owners are responsible for their own property. They have a responsibility for maintaining water flows, not only to protect themselves, but also their neighbours. If they fail to carry out their responsibilities, the district council or Environment Agency has the power to take action to alleviate particular problems under the Land Drainage Act 1991.
Please click here for more information onflooding.
If you are in a dangerous or life threatening situation, call the emergency services on 999.
Warwickshire County Council is responsible for managing the risk of flooding. The Environment Agency has a strategic overview for all sources of flooding including groundwater. It has produced practical guidance to help you reduce the impact of flooding from groundwater.
If you experience floodwater:
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