Stratford-on-Avon District Council take a proactive approach towards crime to reduce the effect it has on those living in rural communities. Our aim is to offer crime prevention advice across the district and South Warwickshire as a whole, by engaging with rural communities and providing bespoke advice and solutions to victims of crime.
Rural Crime is a priority to the Safer South Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership and for the Police and Crime Commissioner.
If a crime has occurred you must contact Warwickshire Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.
Crime in rural areas accounts for one third of all recorded crime in South Warwickshire. This is due to the large areas classified as rural in Stratford-on-Avon District, with nearly two thirds of the total recorded crime in this district alone occurring in rural areas.
In South Warwickshire there are two Rural Crime Advisors (RCA's) within the Community Safety Team, who carry out dedicated work with individuals, businesses and communities, to reduce the impact of crime in rural areas. The posts are jointly funded by Stratford District Council and Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner who also created the Warwickshire Police Rural Crime Team (RCT).
The Rural Crime Advisors work alongside the Rural Crime Team and local policing teams as well as with other partner agencies (Community Safety Partnership). In addition, the RCA's work with other members of the Community Safety Team supporting their projects/cases e.g., CCTV, safety issues, antisocial behaviour concerns and matters affecting vulnerable people
If you wish to contact the Rural Crime Advisors, please do so using the following form:
Rural Crime Advisor Enquiry form
If you have a farm or rural business and have been a victim of crime or are concerned that you may become a victim of crime, please fill out the enquiry form above . The RCAs can complete a crime prevention visit at your property and discuss any improvements that can be made to enhance your security.
If your community feels it could benefit from wider crime prevention, the Rural Crime Advisors can run a 'Community Crime Prevention Toolbox' event in your village. The toolboxes contain crime prevention equipment such as: window alarms, shed alarms, can hides, personal alarms, property marking kits, switch timers, faraday pouches, TV simulators, crime prevention information leaflets, Warwickshire connected z cards / Safe in Warwickshire cards.
The principle of a ‘community crime prevention toolbox event' is for the RCA's to attend with the box, meet the community and following some informal discussions on crime prevention, leave the box with a custodian for the villagers to use as they think best.
Toolbox events are run as a ‘drop in' style, which work best alongside an existing event e.g.: village hall coffee morning or similar.
If you are interested in being a custodian of the box and have an event that would benefit from a 'toolkit event' please fill out the online enquiry form above.
An example of the contents of the Toolbox can be seen above (please note that the contents can vary).
In addition to the above one of the RCAs' current projects aims to reduce the impact of vehicle crime on local trades people by running van crime prevention events in rural villages.
We offer crime prevention packs which includes a leaflet, alarm, van sticker, property marking pen, safe in Warwickshire cards and Warwickshire Police Connected z cards as well as providing specific advice. This advice also extends to caravan and motorhome owners. Where possible, these events are undertaken in partnership with the local policing team.
For more information on rural crime advice including how to protect your van/caravan please follow thislink.
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