Begging & Meaningful Change

Begging in Stratford-on-Avon District

Individuals who beg on the streets can be intimidating, cause nuisance or can have a detrimental effect for local businesses. Funds obtained through begging can help sustain individuals on the streets, fund drug and alcohol addiction, and can cause anti-social behaviour, rather than helping them to seek help to make positive changes to their lives. This is damaging to the individual themselves and can also cause distress or harm to others and the wider community.

Begging that causes a public nuisance includes -

  • begging in a shop doorway
  • by pay machines in car parks
  • sitting outside the theatre/pubs,
  • actively approaching people,
  • any other behaviour from begging that causes harassment or distress.

In the circumstances highlighted above, the police and local authorities determine the appropriate, proportional response, which could be a direction to move on, referrals to support agencies, warning letters or prosecution for a criminal offence. If you have witnessed an individual causing a nuisance through begging activity, please report it to Stratford-on-Avon District Council via the online ASB reporting form.

SDC Community safety team work closely with the SDC housing team, P3, CGL, NHS, & Spring Housing to ensure vulnerable members of the community have the full range of help and support available.

Homelessness, rough sleeping & housing advice

If you are concerned about someone rough sleeping or want further information about homeless or housing services in Stratford-on-Avon please go to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council Housing pages -

Homelessness Advice Leaflets

Rough Sleeper page

Homelessness Prevention

Housing Advice

You can also report someone rough sleeping to Streetlink via this link -

Meaningful Change

Meaningful Change

It is natural to want to help someone who is homeless or begs on our streets, but how can you be sure what you give will genuinely help those in need? In Stratford there are a range of charities working to support vulnerable people in our community. This ranges from supporting people with day to day needs, to providing long term support to positively change their lives. You can make a difference to those on the streets in Stratford-on-Avon District.

By giving to the charities and organisations involved in the Meaningful Change campaign, rather to those on the street, you can positively change lives.

Background to campaign

In October 2018 a local independent research agency was commissioned to undertake a survey in Stratford-upon-Avon to look at perceptions of those who are homeless or beg in the town.

Key findings of the survey show –

  • People are keen to help those less fortunate and have a genuine desire to support them, however they are not always aware of the best way to do this.
  • There is a frustration that not enough is being done to help those who are homeless or beg.
  • The majority of people who gave money would not have done so if they knew it would not be spent on essentials such as – food, shelter, bedding etc.

The Meaningful Change campaign was launched to address these concerns and highlight services available to those who are homeless or beg in Stratford, showing the best ways you can help.

Campaign aims

Reduce vulnerability - Giving money directly to those on the streets could encourage them to stay on the streets, making them more vulnerable to being exploited by drugs gangs and putting them at greater risk of harm. By donating to the charities and other organisations involved you can help support people make positive changes to their lives.

Provide specialist care - Many people who are homeless or who beg have deep-rooted and complex issues. By addressing these underlying issues, real differences can be made to improve lives in Stratford-upon-Avon.

Address professional begging - Begging is profitable and can attract individuals to come into Stratford to beg, who may deceive people into believing they are homeless when they are not. This can divert money and resources away from those who are in genuine need.

To find out more and how to donate to the campaign go to -

Contact: The Community Safety team

Last updated on 13/12/2024