The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 changed the requirements placed on local authorities regarding decisions taken under delegated authority by officers of the district council. Stratford-on-Avon District Council is therefore now required to keep a record of all decisions made.
This council has determined to delegate the power to officers to be able to grant or acknowledge a notice, registration, permission or licence to those persons, premises or vehicles that meet the council's predetermined criteria for obtaining such a permission. All officer decisions are now required to be published in accordance with the new regulations.
Licensing decisions that cannot be reached, as a result of not being able to meet the council's requirements, are required to be determined by a licensing sub-committee or panel.
The database linked to below gives users an overview of all of the permissions issued as a result of an officer decision. Decisions relating to contentious matters that are required to be put before a panel of Members of the Council can be found with the minutes and decisions of the various committees held.
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