Southam Neighbourhood Plan has now been 'made'

Stratford-on-Avon District Council resolved that the Southam Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' on 11th July 2023. It is now formally part of the District Council's development plan and will be used to assist in making decisions on planning applications within the area.

'Yes' vote at Referendum

On Thursday 22nd June 2023, voters in Southam voted ‘yes' to the Neighbourhood Plan.

  • 705 of those voting said ‘Yes'
  • 77 of those voting said ‘No'
  • The turnout was 12.2%

Plan to Proceed to Referendum

The Southam Neighbourhood Plan was independently examined between November 2022 and January 2023 and the Examiner recommended that, subject to some proposed modifications, the Plan should proceed to referendum.

The District Council has now endorsed the Plan to proceed to a referendum to be held on Thursday 22nd June 2023.

The polling stations will be at:

  • In Southam North the polling station is The Grange Hall, Coventry Road, CV47 1QA
  • In Southam West the polling station is The Graham Adams Centre, St James Road, Southam, CV47 0LY
  • In Southam East the polling station is The Sports and Social Club (Rear Entrance), School Street, CV47 1PL
  • In Southam South the polling station is Southam Bowling Club, Lark Road, Southam, CV47 2WF

The question on the ballot paper will be as follows: “Do you want Stratford-on-Avon District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Southam to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?" A number of documents (referred to as ‘specified documents' in the Neighbourhood Planning regulations) are listed below to assist voters.

Independent Examiner's Report

Following completion of the Independent Examination of the Southam Neighbourhood Plan, the Examiner issued her report to the District Council in March this year and this can be viewed below:

In accordance with paragraph 18 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), The Local Planning Authority must now consider what action to take in response to the recommendations of the Examiner and decide what modifications, if any, are to be made to the Plan in order for it to proceed to referendum.


Following completion of the Regulation 16 (Formal Submission) consultation in December this year, the Southam Neighbourhood Plan has now been sent for examination by an independent examiner, Dr Louise Brooke-Smith.

Formal Submission Consultation

In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), Stratford-on-Avon District Council held a public consultation on the policies proposed in the Submission Draft of the Southam Neighbourhood Development Plan. The consultation ran from 27 October until 9 December 2022. The consultation is now closed.

The Submission Draft Plan and associated consultation documents can be viewed below:

Pre-Submission Draft Consultation

The Pre-Submission Draft of the Southam Neighbourhood Plan was published for a six week period of consultation between 10 May 2021 and 22 June 2021 in accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

Regulation 14 Consultation

Southam Town Council is currently consulting on its Pre-Submission version (Regulation 14) of its Neighbourhood Development Plan. For further information please head over to the website:

      Southam Regulation 14 Consultation Website

Neighbourhood Area designation

The Southam Neighbourhood Plan Area was designated on 15 December 2014. Southam Town Council was the relevant body that applied to the district council for designation. The area application documents can be found below:

Find out more

Contact: The Planning Policy team

Last updated on 12/08/2024