Neighbourhood Planning Support and Advice

Government support

The government has put together a range of specialist support to help community groups through the processes of neighbourhood planning. The advice ranges from setting up a group and developing a proposal through to the delivery of the plan.

The government has also provided guidance explaining the neighbourhood planning system.

District Council advice

We provide guidelines on identifying built-up area boundaries (BUABs) for neighbourhood plan areas that include a Local Service Village (as defined in our Core Strategy).

We can also provide a consultation and local survey service to any community wanting to make progress on their parish or neighbourhood plans.

Other organisations offering support and advice


Locality is a national network of community-led organisations and associate members. It has published a Neighbourhood Plans Roadmap Guide that may be useful to local communities who are considering whether to produce a neighbourhood plan.

Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)

The Royal Town Planning Institute offers planning advice and support to communities through its Planning Aid service.

Planning Advisory Service (PAS)

The Planning Advisory Service provides help, advice, support and training to local government officers and councillors. They have produced a number of useful guides, listed below.

Warwickshire County Council

Warwickshire County Council's Natural Environment, Historic Environment and Landscape service can provide support and advice to communities preparing Neighbourhood Plans. It has produced a leaflet outlining its services.

Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE)

CPRE, in association with the National Association of Local Councils, has produced a guide to neighbourhood planning.

Design Council - CABE

The CABE Team at the Design Council offers free tailored support to community groups involved in neighbourhood planning.

Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE)

ACRE provides information on community-led planning on its website and through its local member organisations (Warwickshire Rural Community Council is the relevant body for our area).

Historic England and English Heritage

Historic England encourages community groups to consider their local heritage and the historic environment's role in neighbourhood planning. Historic England and English Heritage have produced several guidance documents.

Warwickshire Wildlife Trust

Warwickshire Wildlife Trust has a planning page which includes a leaflet that provides advice and sources of national and local wildlife information.

Woodland Trust

The Woodland Trust's Neighbourhood Planning Hub outlines the benefits that trees bring to a neighbourhood and how to promote them in a plan.

Environment Agency, English Heritage, Forestry Commission and Natural England joint advice

The above organisations have produced joint advice on how communities can consider the natural environment in their neighbourhood plan.

Contact: The Planning Policy team

Last updated on 12/08/2024