We are currently undergoing our Annual Canvass for 2024 where we contact all properties to check we have up to date household information for the Electoral Register. Please visit out dedicated Annual Canvass page for all information regarding this process, including frequently asked questions.
From the 7th of May 2024, following a change in Legislation, the voting and candidacy rights for EU Electors have changed. If you are an EU Citizen, please visit our EU Citizens page to see how these changes may or may not affect you.
The Elections Act 2022 requires voters who are on the Register of Electors to show photographic identification at polling stations before they are given a ballot paper.
If you do not have any photo ID, you will be able to apply for Voter Authority Certificate - a free photographic identification document specific for the purposes of voting. Applications for Voter Authority Certificates should be made via the Government portal at Link - http://https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate
If you have a photographic identification document that has expired, it may still be accepted as long as the photograph is still a good likeness of you. As an elector, if you feel that you might not have any photo ID and do not wish to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate, you can always apply for a postal vote.
More information regarding Voter ID including frequently asked questions and a list of the accepted forms of Identification can be found at our dedicated Voter ID page.
Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Electoral Registration and Elections Privacy Notice document sets out what personal information is held by the council's Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer, why it is held and how it is used.
It also gives details about who to contact for further information.
Privacy Notice for Electoral Registration and Elections.
If you are thinking of standing for election in the future, the best source of information to help you through the process is published by the Electoral Commission. Guidance for Candidates and Agents
You may wish to have a look at our Be a Councillor pages, where you can download relevant information booklets.
The Government Equalities Office may be able to help people with a disability with financial support in order to stand for election. For more information please see the guidance on gov.uk.
You can apply to work on election day. A number of positions are available including presiding officers, poll clerks and counting staff. No experience is necessary for some positions but to apply for a presiding officer position you need at least two years' experience as a poll clerk. The fees paid for these positions varies depending upon the type of election. If you are interested in applying to work for us on this year's election, please email staffourelections@stratford-dc.gov.uk
Election results are published after each count. They can be found on our dedicated Election Results page.
Parish polls arise from provisions contained in the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), and occur as a result of a parish or community meeting. A poll may be held either in respect of a question or of an appointment to an office.
However, the result of a parish poll is not binding on the parish or the principal council.
At the parish or community meeting, either 10 electors or one third of electors present and voting, whichever is less, may demand a poll on a question or the appointment to an office. The request for a poll cannot be subject to a vote at the meeting. If a poll is demanded on a question, the wording of the question can be voted upon.
The Local Government Act 2000 provides that electors in the council's area can petition the council to hold a referendum on whether the local authority should have an elected mayor. A petition must be signed by at least 5% of the local government electors for the district.
In accordance with Regulation 4 (1) of the above Regulations, the number that is equal to 5% of the number of local government electors shown in the revised register of electors having effect on 15 December 2021 is:
This figure will have effect for the purposes of determining the validity of petitions presented from 1 January 2022 to 31st December 2022.
For further information, please contact Election Services:
For press enquiries, please contact 01789 260105.
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