Planning Notice - 20 September


Published on 20 September 2024


Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below:

Application No. (Conservation Area) Details
  • 24/02247/FUL Proposed rear extension, alterations to front elevation and removal of two trees front rear garden at Hill View Chapel Lane Ratley Banbury OX15 6DS for Mr Steve Moore. 
  • 24/02285/VLBC Variation of conditions 2 and 5 of Listed Building Consent 21/03900/LBC, dated 13/07/2022, proposing minor alterations to fenestrations and floor plans. Original description of development: Extension and alterations to No.26, High Street, Henley-in-Arden plus additional alterations to No.24 High Street, Henley-in-Arden to facilitate conversion from 2no. dwellings to 1no. dwelling at 26 High Street Henley-in-Arden B95 5AN for Sue Knight and Roger Cooper. 
  • 24/02216/VARY Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 21/03883/FUL dated 13/07/2022, proposing minor alterations to fenestrations and floor plans. Original description of development: Extension and alterations to No.26, High Street, Henley-in-Arden plus additional alterations to No.24 High Street, Henley-in-Arden to facilitate conversion from 2no. dwellings to 1no. dwelling at 26 High Street Henley-in-Arden B95 5AN for Sue Knight and Roger Cooper. 
  • 24/02158/FUL Replacement of slate catslide roof with flat roof and addition of dormer window to pitched roof at 34 Telegraph Street Shipston-on-Stour CV36 4DA for Mr Tim Owen. 
  • 24/02135/LBC Formation of a structural glass link between no's 05 and 06 Wood street at George Pragnell Limited 5 - 7 Wood Street Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6JA for Mr Richard Burbidge. 
  • 24/02182/VARY Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 24/00654/FUL dated 31 July 2024 to amend the style of windows and discharge conditions 3 and condition 4. Original description of development of planning permission 24/00654/FUL: Conversion of one barn and rebuilding / partial rebuilding of two others to create a single dwellinghouse with all associated works (partly in retrospect) at Gables Farm Blackwell Shipston-on-Stour CV36 4PE for Stratstone Developments Ltd. 
  • 24/01817/FUL Garden room/Conservatory at Timber Barn Ullenhall Lane Ullenhall Henley-in-Arden B95 5PE for Ms Jean George. 
  • 24/01818/LBC Garden room/Conservatory at Timber Barn Ullenhall Lane Ullenhall Henley-in-Arden B95 5PE for Ms Jean George. 
  • 24/02255/LBC Demolition and rebuilding of garden boundary retaining wall at 45 Preston-on-Stour Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8NG for Mrs Alice Cotton. 
  • 24/02134/FUL Formation of a structural glass link between no's 05 and 06 Wood street at George Pragnell Limited 5 - 7 Wood Street Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6JA for Mr Richard Burbidge. 
  • 24/02092/VARY Variation of conditions, 2 (plans), 3 (materials), 4 (large scale details) and 5 (landscaping) of planning permission 24/00030/FUL (date of decision 22/07/2024) to allow changes to: the design of the house, the landscaping (including the parking arrangement) and provide further architectural details. Original description of development: Retain existing garage, workshop and utility outbuilding and part of pool area. Demolish existing dwelling and replace by single new build dwelling. Landscaping changes including addition of pedestrian gate at Waters Edge Honington Shipston-on- Stour CV36 5AA for Mr Nick Chambers. 
  • 24/01679/FUL 2 storey accessible extension with accessible ground floor shower room, toilet and residential lift. Erection of accessible car port at Holly House 11 Smarts Lane Upper Tysoe Warwick CV35 0TT for Mr John Wainwright. 
  • 24/02152/FUL Erection of 2 no dwellings and associated external works at Rye Piece Barn Rogers Lane Ettington Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 7SX for Mr and Mrs Simon and Ant Pipe. 
  • 24/02214/VLBC Variation of Condition 2 of listed building consent 24/00655/LBC dated 31 July 2024 to amend the style of windows and discharge conditions 3 and condition 4. Original description of development of listed building consent 24/00655/LBC: Conversion of one barn and rebuilding / partial rebuilding of two others to create a single dwellinghouse with all associated works (partly in retrospect) at Gables Farm Blackwell Shipston-on-Stour CV36 4PE for Stratstone Developmen.


Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below.

Application No. Details
  • 24/01932/VARY Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 19/01750/REM dated 22 November 2019 to amend the previously approved landscaping scheme (retrospective). Original description of development: Reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline permission 18/00940/OUT for demolition of existing buildings and erection of 20 dwellings with associated open space and infrastructure; including the discharge of conditions 4 (Contamination), 6 (Drainage), 7 (Drainage Plans), 8 (Hedges), 9 (WSI), 10 (Archaeological Mitigation Strategy), 18 (Bins) and 19 (Water Butts) at Veterinary Investigation Centre Luddington Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 9SJ for Mrs Rebecca Crann.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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Last updated on 18/09/2024