Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below:
Application No. (Conservation Area) Details
- 24/01043/FUL Infill structure to enclose entrance lobby, entrance porch and garage at Cedar Lawns, Alveston Leys, Alveston, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire for Robert & Justine Whorrod.
- 24/00734/FUL Proposed rear extension at Canal Turn Lock Close, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 6GF for Mr John Goddard.
- 24/00948/FUL Conversion of the existing outbuilding into a habitable space for use as a home office at The Farmhouse, Top Street, Northend, Warwickshire CV47 2TW for Mr Nigel Millington.
- 24/00949/LBC Conversion of the existing outbuilding into a habitable space for use as a home office at The Farmhouse, Top Street, Northend, Warwickshire CV47 2TW for Mr Nigel Millington.
- 24/01029/LBC Replacement single storey rear extension and separate outbuilding at 202 Luddington Road, Luddington, Warwickshire CV37 9SJ for Mr C. Mortimer.
- 24/01028/FUL Replacement single storey rear extension and separate outbuilding at 202 Luddington Road, Luddington, Warwickshire CV37 9SJ for Mr C. Mortimer.
- 24/01051/FUL Demolition of outhouse toilet and store. Replacement with utility and dayroom at 75 High Street, Bidford-on-Avon, Alcester, B50 4BG for Mr Scott Rogers.
- 24/01041/FUL Erection of 1st floor extension and associated works at Cedar Lawns, Alveston Leys, Alveston, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire for Robert & Justine Whorrod.
- 24/01020/FUL Replacement of 20th century doors and windows, reopening blocked door on north elevation, open up internal window to create doorway, re roofing of timber lean to, resurfacing of the access drive at Cherington Arms, Main Street, Cherington, Warwickshire, CV36 5HS for Mr Martin Craddock
- 24/01004/FUL Proposed Two Storey Side & Rear extension with single storey extension to rear at 12 Banbury Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7HZ for Mr David Yearsley.
- 24/00686/FUL Change of use of a range of listed barns at Green Farm, Tidmington into 3 holiday lets. Program of sensitive
repairs, integration of services and associated landscaping works. Landscaping works will include new stone walls, replacement of existing timber gates and raised flower beds. New services will include solar panels and water source heat pump at Green Farm, Ditchford Road, Tidmington, Warwickshire CV36 5LR for Vanessa and Gerard O'Meara.
- 24/01081/LBC Re-roofing of whole roof area, addition of conservation rooflights, rebuilding of chimney, replacement of
rainwater goods, re-pointing of all external walls, replacement of timber window lintels, removal of internal plaster, removal of modern fireplaces, addition of internal stud wall, rebuilding of garden wall at Stockwell Farm, Knightcote Road, Knightcote, Warwickshire CV47 2SE for Mr Joe Hibbert.
- 24/01021/LBC Replacement of 20th century doors and windows, reopening blocked door on north elevation, open up internal window to create doorway, re roofing of timber lean to, resurfacing of the access drive at Cherington Arms, Main Street, Cherington, Warwickshire CV36 5HS for Mr Martin Craddock.
Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below.
Application No. Details
- 24/01015/FUL Proposed new track and renovation, realignment and electrification of (part) internal railway loop including
erection of associated infrastructure comprising electrification pylons, electrification wires, electricity substation, operation
control building and signalling equipment and associated works (including demolition of single rail shed) at Rail Innovation Centre, Station Road, Long Marston CV37 8PL for Porterbrook Leasing Mid Company Limited.
- 24/01015/FUL Proposed new track and renovation, realignment and electrification of (part) internal railway loop including
erection of associated infrastructure comprising electrification pylons, electrification wires, electricity substation, operation
control building and signalling equipment and associated works (including demolition of single rail shed). Affecting public
right of way at Rail Innovation Centre, Station Road, Long Marston CV37 8PL for Porterbrook Leasing Mid Company Limited.
- 24/00658/OUT Demolition of dwellinghouse and erection of two houses. Affecting public right of way at Ravenstone, Well
Lane, Tanworth-In-Arden, Warwickshire, B94 5AH for Mr Adrian Summers.
Contact details
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575
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