Officers are currently analysing the comments received during the Revised Preferred Options consultation. The comments can be viewed using our Consultation Viewer.
The Site Allocations Plan (SAP) is a Local Plan document that will sit alongside the existing Core Strategy to guide where and how potential development proposals will be built. The Site Allocations Plan includes policies and proposals for:
Stratford-on-Avon District Council held a public consultation on a further Regulation 18 Preferred Options version of its Site Allocations Plan. The consultation ran from Thursday 16 June until 5.00pm on Friday 29 July 2022. The consultation has now closed.
An updated Key Diagram has been produced to reflect the contents of the Revised Preferred Options Site Allocations Plan. It replaces the version on page 15 in the published plan.
Under Specific Requirements, replace 1st bullet with the following:
Under Site Development Requirements, replace 1st bullet with the following:
View SAP Technical Evidence documents
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