Parish plans are community-led plans that set out a vision for the future of a parish and outline in an action plan how this can be achieved. A number of parish plans, and prior to that parish appraisals, have been produced in the district. Links to plans and the relevant committee report for their adoptions, are available by following the links listed below.
Parish plans have an emphasis on action. The whole community is involved in thinking about the needs and aspirations of the parish, and the results feed into positive actions in an action plan. The action plan might include tasks that volunteers from the parish can achieve themselves, or schemes that require partnership working and grant funding.
Parish plans differ from neighbourhood plans through a more 'holistic' approach to social, economic and environmental issues, and can focus on more than planning-related issues. However, a formally adopted neighbourhood plan will have more "weight" in the determination of planning applications.
We are keen to adopt and support parish plans as a local information source and a material consideration in the determination of planning applications, so long as the it can be demonstrated that the plan is representative of the whole community. However, occasionally actions that are against Council or national policy cannot be supported.
Detailed guidance for parish and town councils on the preparation of parish plans was produced by the former Countryside Agency. Parish and town councils may also find some of the documents in our technical evidence base useful for developing and supporting their policies.
Warwickshire County Council run a small grants scheme to help groups obtain funding for community projects that enhance the lives of those living in the district.
A consultation and local survey service is available to any community wanting to make progress on their parish or neighbourhood plans.
Once finalised, a plan should be submitted to us for consideration. In this way, our own services can be geared to responding to the wishes of the community and we can let other agencies know what improvements are desired. Parish plans can also be used as a material consideration when determining planning applications.
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