Statement of Community Involvement

What is the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)?

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is a statutory document that all planning authorities are required to have in place. The SCI sets out how we intend to engage with local communities, businesses and other interested parties when developing and reviewing planning documents and determining planning applications.

Latest Statement of Community Involvement (February 2024)

Stratford-on-Avon District Council has updated its SCI. The revised SCI (2024) takes account of comments received on a draft version of the document which was consulted on between September and November 2023. The changes to the document include removing the temporary COVID-19 pandemic measures that were put in place along with other changes to make requirements clearer to developers and other organisations involved in the planning process. The updated document continues to reflect the Council's priority to put people and communities at centre stage in the planning process.

The SCI and Consultation Statement can be viewed below:

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Contact: The Planning Policy team

Last updated on 27/02/2024