Below are the documents associated with the work undertaken by SDC to assess the potential impact of development on designated and non-designated heritage assets and their settings. The methodology sets out how the assessment work has been carried out – as agreed with Historic England. The RAG schedule produced for each settlement identifies each of the designated and non-designated heritage assets within or adjacent to each of the amber sites in the SAP, as set out in Step 1 of the assessment methodology. The Heritage Impact Assessments (HIAs) have assessed potential harm to the heritage assets in more detail by considering the effects of development on the significance of each asset and its setting (where appropriate). An individual HIA has been produced for each amber site in the SAP. These can be found below, by clicking on the appropriate settlement name – the sites for each settlement are then listed in numerical order based on the SHLAA reference. The summary document is an ‘executive summary' of the HIAs, categorising the sites as having ‘substantial, less than substantial or no harm' by considering the cumulative impact of development on heritage assets associated with individual sites.
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