We are an ambitious, fair, inclusive, and responsible organisation which will put our communities at the heart of everything we do.
The Council will be recognised as a leader for supporting the health and wellbeing of our residents, protecting our environment, delivering sustainability, and innovation.
By proactively working with our partners the Council will strive to deliver cohesive communities that are well built, in the right place and served by appropriate infrastructure.
The Council will support existing business to thrive and seek to attract new businesses to create valued jobs and opportunities.
In developing this plan we have set ourselves realistic aims and objectives within six areas.
Click on the icons below to find out more.
Residents and Communities
Health and Wellbeing
Delivery of Service
Affordable, Well Built and Maintained Homes
Climate Change
Local Economy
Be a transparent Council, fostering the levels of trust and understanding of responsibilities between the Council and the Public
Making the best decisions in the public interest
Holding ourselves and others providing public services to account more effectively for the benefit of the communities served
To improve access to Council services to those throughout the District
To improve the effectiveness of the Council through innovation, engaging with our peers to improve service delivery
To support the quality of our service by being a local employer of choice
Increase and protect green spaces which positively affect nature recovery
Be a Local Authority leader in the reduction of our own carbon footprint
Build the relationship and proactively foster partnership working with others to influence areas where the Council cannot deliver success alone
Support those most in need from inequality
Make the most of Stratford District's rich cultural heritage as a national and international tourist destination
To improve the range and quality of social infrastructure e.g. town centres, health and social care, education, housing and transport within the District
To reduce crime and anti-social behaviour through the Community Safety Partnership
To enable those living and working in the district to live more environmentally sustainable lifestyles
Facilitate more opportunities for residents to use alternative modes of transport
Ensure that development is meeting local needs, attractive, environmentally sustainable and fit for purpose
To increase the levels of valued employment and training
To support Parish Councils for the benefit of communities
To support opportunities for our residents to develop skills for the future
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