If you are on a low income and need help with certain important costs, you may be able to get an interest-free budgeting loan from the social fund that you pay back.
During a very cold winter, the costs of heating can quickly add up. If you're receiving certain benefits, you may be able to get a cold weather payment for each period of very cold weather in your area. Find out whether you could qualify for help this winter.
Winter fuel payment helps older people keep warm in winter. Find out who can get it, how to get it and how much you can get. If you haven't received it before, find out what you need to do.
If you are on a low income, the sure start maternity grant is a one-off payment to help towards costs of a new baby. The grant comes from the social fund and you don't have to repay it.
Find out about the different benefits you can receive to help deal with death and bereavement issues.
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