The following employment and job seekers' benefits are available to those who qualify. These benefits are managed and paid by central government. By following the links on this page you can find out more. All information is provided by
Employment and Support Allowance replaces Incapacity Benefit and Income Support that is paid because of an illness or disability for new claimants from 27 October 2008. If you are already receiving Incapacity Benefit, you will continue to get it as long as you are eligible.
Income Support Benefit is extra money to help people on a low income. It's for people who don't have to sign on as unemployed. Whether you qualify or not and how much you get depends on your circumstances.
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit is for people who are disabled because of an accident at work or who are ill or disabled as a result of a disease or deafness caused by work.
Jobseeker's Allowance is the main benefit for people of working age who are out of work or work fewer than 16 hours a week on average. If you're eligible, it is paid while you're looking for work.
If you're an employee and unable to work because you're ill you may be able to get Statutory Sick Pay . It is paid by your employer and can be paid for up to 28 weeks.
Working Tax Credit is based on the hours you work and get paid for, or expect to be paid for, either as an employee or a self-employed person.
For further information, please contact Revenues:
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