
The council provides a service to those who are threatened with homelessness and actually homeless. Initially we will provide housing advice and do all that we can to prevent homelessness from happening. Despite all efforts, some incidences of homelessness cannot be prevented. Depending on your circumstances, a homeless assessment should help to ensure that you are given appropriate advice and assistance to resolve your homelessness.

Duty to Refer Form

Duty to refer homeless or threatened with homelessness households online form

Homelessness & Threatened With Homelessness

Information and advice for those who are homeless or being threatened with homelessness

Homelessness Advice Leaflets

Leaflets providing specific homelessness advice

Homelessness Prevention

Information and advice on how to prevent homelessness from occurring

Tenancy Access Scheme

To help people in housing difficulties with limited finances to access suitable and affordable privately rented accommod...