Published on 27 September 2024
Videos of planning committee meetings are normally added to the Council Meeting Webcasts page within 24 hours of being held.
Studley North
Variation of Condition 1 - To make the temporary permission permanent and removal of Condition 2 - Personal occupancy restriction of planning permission 19/01601/FUL (Material change of use from vacant/agricultural land to residential caravan site for 2 pitches for occupation by Gypsy Traveller Family Development: with associated hard standing, package treatment plant, utility blocks, storage sheds and dog runs. Part retrospective.)
Recommendation: Grant
Decision: Granted
Erection of detached garage with home office over and formation of new vehicular access
Recommendation: Refuse
Decision: Granted
Demolition of existing storage building and erection of replacement storage building (Use Class B8)
Recommendation: Grant
Decision: Grant (subject to the satisfactory resolution of ecological concerns and response of no objection from WCC Ecology)
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575
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