The updates to Part L (Open Space) Development Requirements (SPD) have now been adopted.
On 22nd April 2024, the Council adopted the updates to Part L (Open Space) Development Requirements (SPD). Part L of the SPD sets out guidance on open space. It provides advice on the application of policies in the Core Strategy, and Policy CS.25 Healthy Communities in particular. It addresses the requirements for public and private open space provision as part of new developments.
On the 3 October 2022, The Cabinet agreed to a formal consultation on proposed amendments to the existing Supplementary Planning Document on Open Space (Part L of the Development Requirements SPD). This consultation ran from Thursday 3 November until 16 December 2022. This consultation has now closed.
The amendments reflect Government reforms to CIL since the original adoption of this section and the Council's revised approach that all Public Open Space will now be adopted by either the local Town/Parish Council or by Stratford-on-Avon District Council. The amended SPD also provides more detailed guidance on the type and standard of onsite open space that the Council expects to be delivered through new development.
The comments submitted during the consultation period will be assessed and the SPD will be amended as appropriate prior to its adoption by the Council.
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