Please note that from 6th December 2023 there are changes to Planning Fees. For more information on the fees and the regulations relating them, please visit:
A Guide to the Fees for Planning Applications in England (
Planning application online services:
Important - please read
Before using the E-Planning system, you must read the copyright notice below and view the limitations of the current E-Planning system to acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to these limitations.
Copyright Notice
Planning application information submitted to the council is protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded and / or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
If you access E-Planning you have acknowledged that you have read, understood and agree to the copyright and other limitations.
Current and previous planning applications: view details of planning applications being considered by the council as well as some planning history. You can also monitor the progress of an application, submit comments about the application, search a constantly updated list of applications received and decided each week, view details of some historic applications, and view property details by reference to a map.
Planning decisions: view lists and details of decisions made on planning applications.
Weekly lists: view lists of planning applications received, applications decided and planning appeals both received and decided along with dates for hearings and inquiries.
Stratford-on-Avon District Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain planning application information for confidentiality or other reasons. This may include sensitive personal or financial information or documents containing details of protected species. It also includes the telephone number, email address or signatures of applicants.
We encourage you to submit your planning application online via the national Planning Portal website.
If you prefer to fill in your applications by hand, you can also download copies of planning forms to print, complete and return by visiting download an application .
All applications are displayed on the council's website. If there is any personal, financial or sensitive data within any of the submitted information which you do not want to be displayed on the website, it is important that you mark this clearly as 'confidential and not for display on website'.
You can also see further information on how we manage your personal data during the planning application process.
Planning legislation requires the council to publish the details of certain planning applications in the local press. This is one of the measures used to try to alert residents and others within the local community to the proposal. Currently the Stratford-upon-Avon Herald is used, and this is where the latest notices are available.
Following the publication of the Planning Practice Guidance, the local planning authority will offer an Extension of Time Agreement for minor and other applications in the following circumstances:
In all other circumstances, the local planning authority will continue to determine applications in accordance with the Advice Note for Planning Agents and Applicants - April 2013.
The reception at Elizabeth House provides a frontline customer service and general advice about planning applications and the planning process. It is open:
For further information, please contact 01789 260304 or email
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