Harbury Energy Initiative (HEI) was launched in January 2010 as an informal low carbon group with a constitution and link to the Parish Council. Over the years HEI and Harbury e-Wheels, the charity it created, have been successful in accessing many grants to enable village projects to be realised. Since then HEI has led projects to:
Current projects involve joining with the Parish Council and other villages in tree planting as part of the Queens Green Canopy project, supporting the local church in a major retrofit to modernise the heating and lighting, and installing an electric vehicle (EV) charging station in the village, part powered by renewables.
This latter project, Harbury Future Energy (HFE), gained Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF) funding for Stage 1 and 2 and is currently awaiting planning consent. The installation will comprise 4 x 22kW charging and one at 50kW; a linked 80kW battery will allow energy storage.
HEI is now working with Warwickshire County Council on submitting this as part of the county bid to the government Low Emission Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) fund. Subsequent to the forming of the Parish Council Standing Committee, HEI is closely involved in supporting the development of a climate action plan.
HEI has also held three public engagement events to raise awareness of the issues and solutions, as a result of one of which 12 households added battery energy storage to their PV system.
Details of the history and activity of HEI and associated organisations can be found here.
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