Asbestos is a naturally-occurring fibrous material that was used extensively in building work between the 1950s and mid-1980s because of its versatility and plentiful supply. Asbestos is dangerous if the fibres or dust are inhaled into the chest; generally, asbestos isn't harmful if it is in sound condition and left undisturbed.

Common locations are listed below but there may be others in your home. If in doubt, leave well alone and seek expert help.

Common locations of asbestos

  • asbestos cement on garage or shed roofs
  • asbestos cement on shed and garage wall panels
  • asbestos cemented drain pipes
  • asbestos cement on insulation board soffits, infill panels and partitions
  • asbestos cement on the side of bath panels

What to do if you have asbestos in your home

The general rule is to always leave asbestos alone; it's usually safe unless it's damaged or disturbed.

Paint indoor materials with an alkali-resistant paint such as PVA emulsion, and never sand, drill or saw asbestos materials.

Always seek advice before removing asbestos and follow the basic rules below if carrying out asbestos cement removal work. Do not attempt to remove asbestos lagging, spray coatings or large areas of insulation board by yourself as these materials can only be safely removed by a licensed contractor, who may have to take a sample to identify the type of asbestos.

Disposing of asbestos waste

For advice on disposal see the Warwickshire County Council website.

To learn more about asbestos please visit the Health and Safety Executive website .


For further information, please contact Environmental Health:

  • Email:
  • Telephone: 01789 267575

Contact: The Environmental Health team

Last updated on 06/12/2021