The Audit and Standards Committee of Stratford-on-Avon District Council has strategic responsibility for overseeing standards of conduct for councillors across the district. The Committee includes two co-opted town/parish councillors to represent the views of town and parish councils in the District. Appointment to these roles are set out in the Parish Representatives document.

The Monitoring Officer is responsible for receiving and assessing individual complaints of councillor misconduct for SDC and all town and parish councils within the district, regardless of which code has been adopted.

To make a complaint you should download, complete and submit the complaint form to the Monitoring Officer. Alternatively, if you need a paper copy please write to: Monitoring Officer, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6HX, telephone 01789 260400, or email

The Monitoring Officer will assess the complaint in line with the Complaints Procedure and make a decision as to whether the complaint requires a formal investigation after giving an opportunity for the councillor to comment and having taken into account the view of at least one of our two Independent Persons.

Independent Persons

SDC and other principal councils are required by law to appoint at least one Independent Person, who is required to provide their views to the Monitoring Officer on complaints against councillors. For more information, you can download the following document: ·

IP Role Description and Protocol

Ed Macalister-Smith: Ed has lived in the District for 12 years, and is active as a volunteer with the Cotswolds Wardens. He is retired after a long career at senior levels in the NHS, where he was a strong advocate for inclusiveness and equality in services and in employment. He continues to be a Board Member appointed by the Secretary of State on the Board of the Cotswolds National Landscape, where he Chairs the Finance and Governance Committee and aims to promote excellence in public services.

Mike Dutton: Mike worked in local government for over 20 years at various levels and in a variety of roles, plus an informative time with the LGO dealing with complaints. I am a parish councillor of long standing.

Hearing Panel

In a case where it is established through a formal investigation that there is evidence of a breach of a code of conduct and the Monitoring Officer is unable to resolve the matter through a local resolution, a panel of councillor drawn from members of the Audit and Standards Committee may be convened to conduct a formal hearing into the issues under the Hearing Procedures.

Contact: The Democratic Services team

Last updated on 20/12/2022