This section lists the various kinds of Non-Domestic Rates relief available in Stratford-on-Avon. For more information, please contact Revenues:

Charity Relief

Non-Domestic Rates relief for property occupied by charities

Discretionary Relief

Discretionary Non-Domestic Rates relief for not-for-profit organisations

Empty Property Relief

Non-Domestic Rates relief for empty properties

Hardship Relief

Non-Domestic Rates and the hardship relief scheme

Heat Network Rates Relief Scheme

Heat Network Rates Relief Scheme 2022/23 In the Spring Statement 2022, the Chancellor announced that the Heat Network R...

Local Discretionary Discount Scheme

Council policy for the granting of discretionary Non-Domestic Rates Relief

Local Newspaper Relief

Non-Domestic Rates relief for office space occupied by local newspapers

Partly Occupied Property Relief

Non-Domestic Rates relief for partly occupied properties

Public House Relief

Non-Domestic Rates relief for public houses with a rateable value below £100,000

Retail Discount

The Government announced in the Budget on 29th October 2018 that it will provide a business rates Retail Discount scheme...

Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Scheme (22 to 25)

At the Budget on 27 October 2021, the Chancellor announced the introduction of a new business rates relief scheme for re...

Rural Settlements Relief

Mandatory and discretionary Non-Domestic Rates relief for village shops

Small Business Relief

Non-Domestic Rates relief for small businesses

Supporting Small Businesses (SSB) Relief

The Government's scheme to support small businesses facing rate increases

Transitional Relief & Supporting Small Business

At the Budget on 27 October 2021, the government announced that it would extend the current transitional relief scheme a...